There is seriously nothing better than a laughing baby, unless it’s a baby who can’t decide whether blowing your nose is terrifying or hilarious. This video went viral a little while ago so you may have seen it already, but we couldn’t resist posting it again for the benefit of everybody who might not have seen it yet. Special thanks to little baby Emerson for his awesome expressions that crack us up over and over again, and to Emerson’s mommy, YouTube user mandkyeo, for sharing her son’s adorable cuteness with us! If you haven’t checked this video out yet, you simply must. You will absolutely adore this baby’s hilarious startled looks when his mommy blows her nose, and his laughter afterwards.
Of all the “babies laughing” videos out there, this one might really be our favourite. Little five month old Emerson is just so terrified when his mommy makes that scary nose-blowing sound. He jumps back and flails his hands and his eyes get all big … I’d feel like a terrible person for laughing at him, if he didn’t start laughing immediately afterwards himself. And he does it over and over again! There’s no learning process where he stops being afraid of it the second time, or even the third, fourth, or fifth. And every single time he thinks it is just as funny afterwards. Don’t think we’re heartless here at Shiny Eve, laughing at an innocent baby’s fear. He’s obviously well cared for and perfectly happy, and his expressions just bring joy and laughter to your heart. So give yourself a little sunshine today and enjoy the innocence of a little baby’s laughter.