This living room, with its rich neutral palette and elegant contemporary styling, might be your dream room; so where does it exist? Well, that’s the surprise: it’s a visualization in 3-D, created by digital designer Eduard Caliman. As the Leeds-based Caliman explains, “I specialize in the creation of highly photorealistic computer generated visuals of interiors and exterior projects. My clients range from architects to interior designers and construction companies, but also other visualization studios.” So in reality…this room isn’t reality. But if you’re planning a remodel or a redo of your present space, this kind of “model room” can be worth its weight in gold to you — and so much easier than hauling furniture up and down stairs! Taking a look at these images, you discover that this is actually more than just a living room, too.
In typical contemporary open style, this room combines seating/lounge space, dining table and chairs (with a great view out a tall window!), and a galley kitchen that blends right in to the pure white surroundings. Notice how texture plays a role in this design: you can practically feel the soft afghan throw on the couch, and the patterned rug makes the wood grain floor and marble coffee table feel cozier. Lastly, take a look at that mirror, with its “feather” frame; it’s a guaranteed conversation-starter! So when the conversation begins about decorating your space, keep in mind that there’s an easier alternative to trial-and-error: digital realizations of rooms that can happen before your eyes, and let you know before you’ve bought a stick of furniture whether those “sticks” will make your dream room happen.