Some homeowners dislike black in abundance, for decoration work, because the aforementioned color is often associated with negative feelings. Black is a symbol of mourning and sadness according to cultures.. black is synonymous with wealth, wisdom, and power according to other cultures. The connotations of color change through the ages, as do the fields, and the meanings of the color sometimes conflict, but black is a classic color that is “steadfast” in the face of changes in fashion. With the proper use of the proportion of black in the interior decoration, it can radiate positive echoes, achieve dazzling and highlight architectural details.
According to architects and interior design engineers, “black reflects luxury in interior design, contrary to the popular belief that the aforementioned color is boring,” adding that “black is easy to integrate with distinctive elements in decoration and wholesale colors.”
The employment of black is not limited to living areas, according to the engineer, but extends to other architectural spaces, including bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens, and offices, and it is found on walls, ceilings, and floors (black marble and porcelain are desirable,), furniture fabrics, and dyes accessories.. Black is preferred in spaces. Medium and large housing, but the architect does not recommend using color in a narrow house because it may increase the feeling of small spaces. Here, simple touches of black are sufficient for furniture and accessories.
shades of black
Besides the pure black, there are gradations of color that have soft light, noting that the black saturation is incomplete in them.
The shades include gray (black muted), deep olive, charcoal, ebony, as well as deep blue. The engineer points out that “the aforementioned gradations fit the different architectural spaces, with inlaying them with other colors, so as not to dominate the final image, noting that the blackish gray and the frank black are appropriate in office decorations, because of the serious and formal character that they popularize. It is correct to use dim black, dark blue, or olive in wall work, in bedrooms, or to choose one of the mentioned shades for furniture.
“Modern” style
- The “modern” style pushes the direction of mixing black with gray on the walls and furniture, with the decoration in light colors, such as white, light green, and yellow, in order to achieve the radiance of the void.
- The “neo-classical” style is desirable in luxury villas and apartments in the Gulf countries, and it is often used for black in business, along with gray and dark blue, for the sake of luxury, with the spread of high-end accessories in gold and beige.
- The industrial style employs black in furniture, accessories, or walls, down to painting the ceiling with black paint.
- The minimalist style (minimalist) and «art déco», are matched with distinctive, light, and thoughtful touches of black.